Ah, the quintessential New York cup of Java...Here it is enshrined. Of course, the very first question a coffee groupie-- a.k.a. Neurotic Traveler wants to know is--"HOW'S THE COFFEE IN INDIA?"
"The Lonely Planet," claims, "Chennai is very much in the throes of India's cappuccino addiction!" (Love the word "throes!")
Is that Italian cappuccino by way of the Ponte Vechio or a Seattle Roast courtesy of "Starbuck's?"
Either way, I'm planning on checking out "MOCHA" on Nawaz Khan Rd. where, "the young and the beautiful go for coffee and hookahs in exceedingly arty surrounds."
Hookah pipes....now there's a thought.
Here's what I won't miss: WINTER. Hate it! Particularly all things white and cold. Forecast for Southern India: NO SNOW!
Blissful in winter | | | | | |
(But one can't help missing the winter sights of Brooklyn....)
Finally, as the sands of time wind down...one turns one's thoughts to issues more profound...that right, SHOES!
What's a Neurotic Traveler to Do?
Jimmy Choo's? They'll be confiscated by the TSA as lethal weapons. Also, I don't own any.
Once again, fashion is forced to give way to comfort.
I sincerely apologize to Sarah Jessica Parker!
No matter what comfort's a must! |