Saturday, December 31, 2011

On Top Of The World!

Snow-Dusted  New Hampshire

 Okay--so the view's not from the top of the Eiffel Tower but what a vista!

I've heard it said that from the top of Abenaki Tower in Tuftonboro, New Hampshire, you can see forever and if you look hard enough, YOU CAN SEE ALL THE WAY TO INDIA!

Look, Ma, there's Chennai!  

Most importantly, as a Neurotic
Traveler, it pays to be prepared for
all sorts of inclement weather...

Intrepid/Neurotic Traveler
I'm all dressed for an Iditarod (minus igloo and dogs....) and ready for INDIA!

That is, of course, if it SNOWS!

Happy Trails!

(Next installment will be "HOT" off the press from India...)

The Snows Less Traveled

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Good-bye to All That...

'Twas the week before Chennai...(Christmas Day to be exact) when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...

Pristine Country View  (horses included)

Despite the nippy temperatures, I couldn't help taking a walk and admiring the breath-taking Catskills, frozen grass, picture-perfect barns and of course...horses.

Did I mention we don't have horses in New York City?

Last call for apples

Even the orchards looked inviting, I had to admit. 
I also took a moment to admire the picaresque church--(it was Christmas, after all!)

Extremely Old Church    

Realizing that soon, I'd be on the OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD,
I calmed myself by counting the miles...

Here's the count:
Boston to Frankfurt: 3,660 miles
Frankfurt to Chennai: 4,720 miles

GRAND TOTAL: 8,380 miles
Maybe, I shouldn't think about it....
And just meditate on Nature instead

Pine Tree At Rest
Did I mention that I have trouble meditating?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

My Supreme Guru...

Will I see him in India?

Not likely...
But you never know....
WOODY ALLEN--Divine Neurotic

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Creature Comforts...

Ah, the quintessential New York cup of Java...Here it is enshrined.  Of course, the very first question a coffee groupie-- a.k.a. Neurotic Traveler wants to know is--"HOW'S THE COFFEE IN INDIA?"

"The Lonely Planet," claims, "Chennai is very much in the throes of India's cappuccino addiction!"  (Love the word "throes!")

Is that Italian cappuccino by way of the Ponte Vechio or a Seattle Roast courtesy of  "Starbuck's?" 

Either way, I'm planning on checking out "MOCHA" on Nawaz Khan Rd. where, "the young and the beautiful go for coffee and hookahs in exceedingly arty surrounds."

Hookah there's a thought.

Here's what I won't miss:  WINTER.  Hate it!  Particularly all things white and cold.  Forecast for Southern India:  NO SNOW!

Blissful in winter     
(But one can't help missing the winter sights of Brooklyn....)

Finally, as the sands of time wind turns one's thoughts to issues more profound...that right, SHOES!

What's a Neurotic Traveler to Do?
Jimmy Choo's?   They'll be confiscated by the TSA as lethal weapons.  Also, I don't own any.

Once again, fashion is forced to give way to comfort.

I sincerely apologize to Sarah Jessica Parker!

No matter what comfort's a must!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

First Glimpse of India


In 14 days I embark to Chennai from Boston on a tour through Southeastern India and its gorgeous temples.

Did I mention that I am a terrible traveler?

Hence, The Neurotic Traveler (TNT) was born.

To Pill or Not To Pill...
The biggest question so far has been how much medication to bring and is it legal?  I am not contemplating smuggling only popping Valium  (did I mention I'm a terrible traveler?)

My doctor gave me a vial but only with a stern admonition:, "this is strictly for flying.  I don't normally do this because people can become addicted.  Can't you meditate instead?"  I nodded and said, "no."  The flight is  twenty hours.  Not even Buddha could mediate that long in air turbulence.

Writing with Head Scarf
No one in my family thinks I will last a day in India.  I'm about to prove them wrong...